Lt 98 and earlier.
Wood hatch patterns free. Click the appropriate link below to download a zip file containing the free hatch patterns a readme file and a slide library where appropriate. Autocad 2008 to 2000 and lt 2008 to 2000. We also offer free lifetime unlimited phone support and can get you setup very quickly with your hatch pattern installation. Wood hatch patterns for autocad.
Pictures of the free hatch patterns. Autocad r14 and earlier. Autocad pat file our pat files are updated regularly. 53 free hatch patterns.
This hatch pattern can be used in your autocad drawing files. An installation pdf document is included. Parquet 1 zip parquet flooring style hatch pattern. Your existing hatch patterns will remain intact and the new wood stone hatch patterns will be added to the list.
Each hatch pattern is drawn with a very high degree of accuracy drawn to one millionth of a unit. Free autocad hatch pattern of a wood grain. Hat works much like the autocad hatch command but also allows you to dynamically rescale and rotate and move hatch patterns as you create them. Very nice selection of wood grain hatch patterns that can add some great detail to your cad drawings.
Also included is a hatch pattern for chain link fence and metal grate.